Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Principles and tips for self-care

In this blogpost, I provide a guide to Alexander Technique, and tips on how it can help people - via links to previous blogposts. Each draws on personal experience, scientific information and the Alexander literature.

A quick glance at the titles shows that Alexander Technique is holistic, and emphasises how the mental and physical are inter-connected. It truly involves a“psycho-physical re-education” – as it was once named.
I hope that you find the listing interesting, and useful.

The Alexander approach

Principles of Alexander Technique. As you apply the Technique, it helps to know the principles behind it. Alexander principles over Hanoi dinner (October 2011).

Observation is the starting point to improving our well-being. Observing ourselves in the chair - 1 (September 2012)

Mindfulness. A personal experience of pain led me to explore the use of Mindfulness and managing pain (February 2012)

Body awareness, the effects of tension and releasing it. Your body and mind on holiday (December 2011) and in Work, rest and play - an Alexander principle (November 2012)

What to do each day -resting the back. Resting the back is great for desk-bound people (December 2011) – it really does release tension, allowing the back to lengthen and widen, and softening our breathing.

Our bodies (and minds) in action

Walking and feet are covered in As we were walking (October 2011) and My big floppy feet (October 2011).

Sitting and our hips. Why the hip joint matters when sitting (October 2011) and Towards a better way to sit - 1 ( January 2012)

Shoulders are important too. Let your shoulders go at Christmas (December 2012).

Our necks are the fulcrum for the whole body. Look up and down with ease - at the computer and elsewhere - 1 (April 2012)

Our backs deserve a break. Learn to bend well (June 2012)

Breathing and arms when driving. Is driving a pain for you? - 1 (July 2012)



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